Why You Deserve Powerfully Conscious Financial Advice
It begins with guiding you towards true wealth and joyful living
We are different. Our values and beliefs transcend those of most financial professionals. As adherents of Conscious Capitalism, we believe businesses have the responsibility to make a positive contribution to society.
Our clients are deeply intentional about their money. They see money as a tool to express themselves and bring heartening experiences into the world. Money is not their God, nor does it define who they are.
If this sounds like you, then you are in the right place. Our mission is to encourage an abundance mindset, consult through intentional financial planning, and bring healthy wealth creation to all. We firmly believe the growth of conscious, intentional wealth benefits all humanity.
We discuss our values, our difference, our guidance and our commitments below.
Table of Contents:
Our Values
A rising tide lifts all boats
Working with a financial planner should not be a winner-take-all battle. We’ve taken great care to make sure we grow together. We structure our compensation to ensure our financial interests consistently align.
It’s about humanity
We believe in being stewards of good fortune. Conscious financial advice helps put wealth in the hands of highly intentional people. As conscious money grows, the world becomes a better place for all.
Wealth does not equal abundance
We do not invest money for the sake of having a bigger paper net worth. Money is a tool, not our creed.
On its own, money has no importance.
Although wealthier people surely enjoy more conveniences, wealth and joy are not correlated. The richest people in the world can feel the most hallow inside.
True wealth is found through an abundance mindset​
The numbers on your net worth statement are unconnected to your mental health. The mindset you bring to the dollars you have is what matters. We coach our clients to develop an abundance mindset in wealth, health, and life.
Our Difference
The shortcomings of other holistic advisors
We have experienced self-proclaimed holistic advisors having too narrow a focus. A financial plan, investments, taxes, estate planning, and cash flows are all very important. But they are only pieces of a much larger puzzle.
You are a human. As a human, you have much more going on in your life than your finances. We value focusing on the entirety of you (health, family, purpose, and wealth), which enables us to be true holistic financial planning professionals.
We make space for different ideas
Although we wholeheartedly believe in our values and processes, we remain open to other ideas and perspectives. We are a firm without big egos. If our competitors are outclassing us with something our clients value, we will look to find what we can do to bring those concepts to our clients.
Abundance is for all
Everyone deserves to have an abundance mindset, and we welcome investors of all sizes. We serve you through various programs: Grounded Complete, Grounded Accumulator and Guided Wealth Portfolios. We offer different modes of paying for advice through hourly rates and standalone financial plans, allowing you to have exactly what you want and need at any point in your life. Abundance is for everyone, and our optionality allows us to serve you perfectly.
Our Guidance
Your investment preferences matter
We do not hold a firm-wide position for, or against, any specific industries. We believe it is solely up to our clients to determine what types of investments they are comfortable holding. No matter what your preference is, we can craft customized and efficient investment portfolios.
Taxes Matter
We have yet to meet a client that enjoys paying taxes to the government. Although there is no way out of paying taxes, we work to reduce tax liabilities for you and the people you love as much as we can through strategic financial planning.
Human behavior drives outcomes
The retail investor, for decades and decades, has underperformed the equity market at large. Because of our shared human programming, we prefer to run when we get scared. Similarly, we become greedy when we perceive others are experiencing what we lack. Therefore, humans tend to sell in panic and buy on tops.
Our value is derived from creating a rock-solid plan and becoming a behavioral coach to you. We set expectations clearly and work to de-risk your accounts through diversification* as much as possible. When the inevitable tough times hit, we are there for you with empathy, unwavering confidence, and crystal clear perspective.
*There is no guarantee that a diversified portfolio will enhance overall returns or outperform a non-diversified portfolio. Diversification does not protect against market risk.
A financial plan (and faith) is medicine
We’ve found the best way to weather any financial storm is to return to your intentions. Luckily, the financial plan is where you have set your goals for your money. Using this as our agreed upon foundation, we can objectively see the impact of any crisis and adjust as needed. Faith in the plan, and each other, keeps us moving forward.
Investments are our tools
A doctor has different tools for different procedures. We consider investments our tools in the financial world. And as tools, they are only relevant to what we are using them for: achieving your intentions through your financial plan. The most meaningful rate of return is the one we need to make your plan work and one you can reasonably expect to achieve. We recommend the right tools and asset allocations for the job.
Our Commitments
We cherish trust
The basis of all relationship connectivity is trust. We commit to upholding trust as our highest standard. This means we actively listen and are understanding of your position. When we disagree, we communicate with care and empathy. We do what we say we will do as often as we can, and we take responsibility when we don't.
We serve in joy
Bonding with our clients brings us joy. We believe there are enough worries outside of money for you to fret about. When we can take some of that worry from you through our guidance, planning and trust; it fills us up. We commit to being positive and professional each time we interact. Serving you is our joy.
We’re grateful
We know you have ample opportunities to work with thousands of other competent, trustworthy, and capable financial advisors. When you make a choice to work with us, we don’t take it for granted. We are grateful to be a significant part of your life.
We give back
We follow our own advice and are intentional with wealth to make the world a better place. Each year, we give to 501(c)(3) organizations that align with our values. All profits from the Guided Wealth Portfolio platform are donated to charitable causes on top of our annual discretionary amount.
We love
Our firm would be a farce if we didn’t love every person who works with us. We are distinct, and we stand proudly behind our values and beliefs. Through conscious advice and intentional wealth, we can make a difference to humanity.
Let's start making a difference together, schedule your free 30-minute consultation today.